Tag Archives: survivor and thriver


I’ve always had a passion for writing. However, my challenge lies in the fact that my thoughts often scatter, and I may complete only one out of every ten pieces I begin. I have a friend who grapples with constant chaotic thoughts. He finds it difficult to recognize any redeeming qualities within himself. The remarkable thing is, he possesses an unparalleled gift. His ability to put words to paper that evoke all your senses and transport you into the vivid scenes he creates is a talent possessed by few.

He’s been working very hard on himself for the last year or so, giving up things he once thought he wanted, to explore his past, understand who he has become, and discover who he wants to be. He’s utilized advice from friends, his own creativity, a great deal of courage, and therapy to break free from the box that trauma had trapped him in.

I am incredibly proud of him. He acknowledges that he was becoming toxic to himself and those he cared about. Instead of taking the easy route, he summoned the strength to become a better person. His journey is far from over, and he knows it will take years to untangle and overcome behaviors shaped by trauma. But he’s doing it, and I want him to know that, although my life is very busy at the moment & my time is limited… I see you.

He has a deep love for poetry, and so do I. Even though I’m just a small star in the vast galaxy of his talent, I knew that poetry was the language I needed to connect with him. I chose a reverse poem to serve as a reminder of where he once stood and where he stands today. I want him to understand that I see him, I’m proud of him, and I have faith in him. I look forward to watching his ongoing journey toward self-healing and self-awareness.

Read each line from top to bottom. Then read each line from bottom to top.

His life is pain

And he no longer feels

He has the right to hope

Learning from loss

His worth is limited

Refusing to see

Through others’ hearts

Forging his path

In fear & anxiety

Never choosing to walk

With trust & courage

Trudging through chaos

Harnessing his creativity

Binding him from

A life full of joy

For JP, to remind you to always flip the script.


Happy Friday friends! You know those days we all have when everything you try to do is an epic fail? My “Thursday” was one of those days!

My husband is enjoying a much needed camping vacation. I started “Thursday” off with completing some promotional work online. I was feeling accomplished after getting it done quickly, efficiently and early! I had nothing I had to do for the rest of the day until an interview at 8pm.

After completing my online work, I went to the refrigerator to grab a drink. The minute I opened the door, I immediately regretted it, the smell was overwhelming. I noticed the milk container lying on its side. When I reached for it, I realized the container was bloated, and couldn’t even stand upright. What had started as a container of whole milk had turned into curds & whey, and Little Miss Muffet was no where to be found!

RIP Frigidaire

I quickly cleared out the entire refrigerator and transferred my Orencia injections into a cooler with ice. I have no way of knowing how long they went without refrigeration. My anxiety grew as I called the pharmacy asking what to do. They told me they could send me replacements, but I would need to cover the cost upfront and wait to see if my insurance would reimburse me. Considering each shot costs $1,436, and I would need three replaced, that amounted to $4308. They were so cavalier about the situation. I got the impression they truly believed I had that kind of money just lying around. But let me refocus and get back to the rest of my chaotic “Thursday”!

Following that, the power suddenly went out and my attempts to reset it were not successful. I was beyond frustrated and I shifted my attention to tending to the animals instead. However, while collecting eggs, several chickens managed to escape their enclosure. Despite corralling most of them, their was one little devil that evaded me. As I approached it with the hope of sending it running back to the enclosure, I slipped and fell hard. I was able to catch myself with my outstretched hand, I felt pain immediately. I found myself in the duck pond, which is basically a mud bog, this time of year.

By this time I contemplated remaining there for the rest of the day. Eventually I managed to extract myself from the mud and hobbled back to the house with my cane. I wanted to get inside and quickly ice my hand and wrist. Then I had another moment of complete exasperation when I remembered the power is still out and I can’t even shower. So there I sat in self pity city, hurting & covered in mud for a good half-hour, until my phone rang and interrupted my pity party for one.

The call was from the social worker where my mom resides, they needed me come in to address some matters. I felt paralyzed. I was covered in mud, and feeling overwhelmed and doubting myself. I do not like these feelings and it flipped a switch in my brain. Just do it. With renewed badassery, I dragged my ass back outside. It took all the tenacity I could muster, but I managed to reset the power and get that mother clucking chicken back to the safety of it’s pen.

I did it.

I went back inside and reassured myself, “you do not have to rush to Mom’s. She’s safe and you can go tomorrow. Treat yourself to a hot shower and some ice cream! Just as I headed for the shower another call came in and I realized it was “Wednesday” not “Thursday”. All of the effort I had put in to my work that morning was wasted time. I had done the wrong days work. I would have to backtrack and edit everything.

Before doing anything else, I shower and ice my injury. My shower re-energized me and the swelling in my hand improved after icing. I was feeling better and no longer worried about a potential trip to the ER. Since realizing it’s “Wednesday” and not “Thursday”, and that I didn’t have an interview in a few hours, I made the decision to go to moms after all, and address her needs.

Upon returning home from moms I felt quite accomplished, but exhausted. I video chatted with some long distance friends and allowed myself to unwind. As time passed, the pain in my wrist and hand became increasingly unbearable. I knew I needed to get it evaluated. Yet, my stubbornness led me to wait until the next morning. What a long agonizing night.

Urgent Care

The next morning, which indeed was the actual “Thursday”, I went straight to urgent care. Diagnosis: fractured and they discovered two previously healed fractures. Now I wait for Ortho referral. They marveled at the pain threshold required to endure two broken bones, without even realizing they were broken! Sadly, most spoonies dealing with painful chronic illnesses unfortunately understand. I carried on with my scheduled interview that evening and then relaxed the rest of my “Thursday”. Looking forward to a fresh start “Friday”!

Now I wait for ortho referral


I challenged myself during the Mental Health Campaign to being more honest about my health journey. I’m holding myself to this commitment.

I love the holidays. It’s the perfect time to share smiles and lift others when life is weighing heavy on them. A chance to end the year with love & hope. I’m that person who decorates right after Thanksgiving. I send out hundreds of Christmas cards. I make dozens of random personal gifts for those who make my life better, in ways they may not even comprehend. I hide gifts around town & make baskets for the fire department, town hall, post office & animal shelter, to lift our communities spirit & say thank you. I pay attention all year & try to make or purchase gifts I know people want or need. But this year is kicking my ass & although I managed to get a few things done, it’s taking all I have. Every day I get slower & struggle more to get simple things completed. Christmas will look much different this year.

It’s the little victories that make me smile.

I’ve been going through it with my Scleroderma for the last few months. It’s raging again & it’s been difficult emotionally & physically. I’m undergoing treatments that come with side effects that amplify all of the negatives that come with a chronic illness. My jaw is destabilizing again and my teeth will take a lot of work to save. I’m losing my hair from the treatments & will soon have to just shave it off. The worst is knowing my brain fog has made me forgetful & I know I’ve let people down. It’s been damn hard. It wouldn’t be half as bad if my husband wasn’t battling health issues this year, as well. His doctors don’t want him working. They tell us he’s risking major damage to his body, and that one wrong move could be catastrophic. So we are sitting in a holding pattern financially. We sit at the mercy of his doctors deciding what surgery is next. He’s doing what he can to work, despite the warnings. Bills don’t care if you’re unhealthy.

Not everyone can afford to be sick.
That is just reality in America.

It’s one thing to be chronically ill & another thing to add in financial struggles. It’s astronomical the cost of survival. I’ve said it again & again, it does not matter how much you make, save or plan, we are all one illness away from financial disaster. On top of it all, this is one of the worst years for everyone financially. Heating, electricity, food, fuel, everything is more expensive right now & increasing regularly. Despite the negatives, we are fighting to have a great holiday & to share it with all we care about. Then it hit our house, Covid.

David tested positive first and was put on Covid meds the same day. We have to be aware and cautious of any lung or breathing issues with him. For those who don’t know he had lung cancer & a bacterial infection that resulted in the partial removal of one of his lungs. Both of his lungs have damage and it would be hard for his body to fight Covid if it settles in his lungs. I believe the meds are helping control his symptoms. He seems to be in a holding pattern, with no changes for the worse or better. He’s still battling but he’s remaining stable.

I tested positive late Friday night. Leave it to me to find out on the weekend and while there’s a major storm hitting us. I managed to get a hold of my doctor’s on-call service Saturday morning. It took hours and numerous calls back and forth between me, my PCP office, my doctor’s offices in Boston & the pharmacist. Finally, they had a plan. They called in some medications, changed the dosage on a few of my medications & held some of my regular medications. It was a whole process but I started the Covid meds Saturday night. I’m miserable. I’m trying to get up and move around as much as possible. It’s been a cycle of getting up and doing one or two small tasks & then I have to lie down again. My pain is maxed out & making it difficult to do the simplest things. I have slept more in the last few days than I have in decades. My normal nausea is increased, I’m experiencing excruciating muscle cramps & I feel like I have the worst cold, I’ve ever experienced. I’m hoping today improves with the medication. The doctors warned me that the side effects may be difficult and I may need to stop the medication.

I don’t know if Covid is ready.

Still, I carry on. Friday I did get some random gifts sent out to thank people who make me smile & I know don’t always get the appreciation they deserve. It took me all day yesterday, but I did get our tiny 4’ tree up & decorated. Today I will try and work on some gifts. It’s not looking like we will be having Christmas with our families on Christmas Eve as we planned. We realize we can not financially buy gifts right now, but we will make some amazing personalized gifts & bake some family favorites as soon as we test negative. We will not skip Christmas, just delay it if necessary to keep us all safe and strong.

I’m stubborn and refuse to change how I feel about the holidays and how I reflect on the end of another year. As usual, I will use my energy to make others smile. That will fuel my healing until I can find my smile again. So although we won’t be able to do all the things we normally do this time of year, we will still create a magical Christmas.

Today I may feel awful physically & under stress trying to figure out how we will pay for basic expenses & my treatments. But I continue to look forward to a healthier & prosperous New Year for everyone. I pray that Covid will not continue to be such a destructive force in the world. I will work hard to improve myself so I can bless others. I will continue to send smile mail & volunteer when I can. I will give freely my time & energy to those I care about & those who make me smile. Although I may be down hard right now, I choose to believe this too shall pass.

Happy holidays to all, for whatever holidays you celebrate. If you choose not to celebrate then happy end of the year! Be kind to yourself & others. In the worst of times there is always hope, love hard, & pray harder. I am so grateful for you & I love you ❤️


Wake up in my shoes.

I slept. It wasn’t long, probably less than an hour. But I slept. As I awaken, I thank God for another day. Now comes the worst part of my entire day.

My eyes open, not fully, just enough to let a sliver of light in. My morning is seen through the sandman’s sleepy seed remains, in the corner of my eyes. I contemplate opening them further. I’m not yet ready.

I’ve talked before about that first step. It brings me excruciating pain & remains the most difficult step, I’ll take all day. I lie in my bed for a long time slowly talking myself into getting up. I’m finally ready, I’m full of dread and drag my legs to the side of the bed. I sit there and again give myself a pep talk. I set my first foot on the floor, then my second. I feel around to get my feet in my slippers. I sit awhile and then push myself up onto my feet. I’m standing. I did it.

There it is, my morning kick start…pain. It starts in my feet and crawls up my legs into my back and ends at the base of my skull. It feels like every bone, muscle, tendon, nerve, every single fiber of my existence is on fire. I’m in my head screaming, this will end, this will end, this WILL end! It takes me a minute to refocus on the task at hand & I eventually take that first step. Other steps follow and over about an hour the pain subsides.

Here’s the thing, my pain tolerance is high. I’ve endured nagging, lingering pain for over a decade with this disease. My pain level holds at around seven all day, every day. The pain of those first steps is so far beyond measurable on the pain scale, it’s impossible to convey. Starting my day is physically & mentally exhausting.

I go to bed every night knowing I will play this whole scenario out again for all of my tomorrows. Here’s the miracle in this story. Every day I’ve been lucky enough to wake up. So far I have a perfect record for taking that first step. I’ve managed to survive the pain 100% of the time. I have a full & happy life. It’s just more challenging than it used to be & some days I have to surrender & let pain win. But the next day I take that first step again.

I know that many of you can relate in some way to this post. You’re not alone, I’m proud of you & never forget the amount of strength that first step takes. You slay dragons before your feet even hit the floor & that is badass. Carry on Warrior.